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Exclusive Interview with Actress, Model & Dancer Sheena Lakhani

By IM Staff  9/3/16

Sheena Lakhani beautiful Indian model swimwear fashion shoot Mumbai
Born in Canada Sheena Lakhani moved to The United Stated at the age of five where she started training in various dance forms like ballet and jazz. Soon she was competing in local and state level dance competitions. Participating in fashion shows and acting in plays form an early age Sheena even went on to play the lead in a Romanian language play while living in Romania. Sheena has also acted in a few Hindi language films that are yet to release. We recently had the opportunity to interview the enormously talented actress, dancer and model Sheena Lakhani.

IM: Can you tell us what inspired you to get in to acting and when you knew that you want to the take up acting professionally?
Sheena: I have been trained in the arts and sports since the moment I was born. My mum always had every five minutes of my life planned out, which back then I took for granted but
now I owe all the credit to her and my fashionista father. I trained as a dancer from age five in ballet, tap, jazz and gymnastics for eight years straight. Also, I played basketball, baseball, the piano, the recorder, sang in a chorus and trained in karate. In America I have done plays in English and Spanish, modeled in fashion shows and competed in every dance competition in and out of University. Before moving to Mumbai from Romania I was doing plays in Romanian Language. It was while I was meditating in January 2011 that I had a vision that I was in India in front of bright camera lights performing. The vision came to me several times and my Guru said "we must return to God as His children". It was this and also my Guru saying that we can find  our way back to God by doing the things we enjoyed as a child before our minds became conditioned by society. When my Guru saw me perform live for the first time, he came and said to me, "Sheena the way you perform, it is like you have been reborn." It was my Guru's words and guidance that brought me to Mumbai and Bollywood.

IM: And tell a bit about your training?
Sheena: I have trained in ballet, tap, jazz, gymnastics, basketball and baseball for 8 years. I competed in local, state level and university dance competitions in various dance forms, acted in plays and participated in fashion shows for 15 years in South and North Carolina. Learned modern contemporary dance during studies at university of North Carolina where I studied three majors’ finance, accounting and international business and minored in Spanish. Also, I have learned salsa, merengue, bachata, cumbia, reggaeton, hip hop, traditional Gujarati/Indian and European Latin ballroom dancing since university. I have learned to speak and/or sing and pray in various languages including Spanish, Romanian, German, Arabic, Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Latin, Hebrew, Farsi and Swahili. I also hold diplomas in Tai Chi and Chi Kung. I am in a mystical yoga school.
Beautiful Indian model in Bikini swimwear Sheena lakhani
IM: You have acted both in front of the camera and on stage, which would you say is more demanding and which do like more?
Sheena: I love both and both are equally demanding. I love being on camera more because
I feel more free, fun and wild and my art can reach a larger audience whereas on stage I am limited to sharing my passion with a small audience although it feels more intimate.

IM: How do prepare yourself before going on stage or before a shoot?
Sheena: I offer all my work to god. I say, "facă-se voia ta nu meu" which means "Thy will be done not mine". Then listen to music to get me in my zone which is a flying magic carpet.Haha

IM: You have learned various dance forms, is there one that is your favorite?
Sheena: Ballet. My guru’s wife used to be a prima ballerina. I am dreaming of the day that I get to see her divine toes twirling my heart to heaven.

IM: We all know that dance is very important in Bollywood films but do you feel that it also helps you become a better model and actor?
Dance is certainly very important in Bollywood considering all the films have songs which is totally different to what I grew up with in America watching Hollywood films. But don’t limit yourself to only dance. There are so many things to learn which are and will be useful to you as a model and actor. I am constantly studying a new language (I want to learn sign language soon). I am constantly reading books whenever I get chance (my favorites are autobiography of a yogi and the holy science) and I love biographies (Madame du pompadour is one of my absolute fascinations). I am a sport fanatic and adventurous thrill freak so I am always up for a challenge whether it be climbing the mountains in sub zero temperatures  holding on for my dear life without any cables strapped on with my toes barely balancing  myself from falling into a big gorge or swimming with gigantic nurse sharks. I love adventure. I hope I find a film director who would be daring to shoot a film with me while taking a heart throbbing laugh with me!
Sheena Lakhani beautiful Indian model, actress and dancer
IM: Is there something about the Hindi film Industry that annoys you and would like to change?
Sheena: Art should allow us artists to be free and there is enough audience to appreciate different kinds of art. Support independent artists. Stop comparing and trying to mold every artist into the same thing. Embrace everyone’s unique individual flavor that they bring to the screen. Bollywood needs it certainly!

IM: How would you define your fashion sense?
Sheena: My spirit wears the skin with comfort and confidence. As far as clothing I wear what makes me feel girly and like a lady (dresses, lace, and pink lipstick, something sparkly). I always wear my heart and a big smile... ALWAYS!

IM: A pieces of accessory that you can't do without?
Sheena: I think clothes technically speaking are all accessories too since we were not born wearing them. My most important would be my cross necklace.

IM: If you could act in a remake of any film what film and role would you picks?
Sheena: Most definitely Dirty Dancing and of course I would want to play the leading dancing lady! 50 shades of grey!!!! Okay I shouldn’t say more. Haha

IM: Your idea of the perfect vacation?

Sheena: Sunbathing topless on a white powder beach, bathing in the clear blue waters of a secluded private island, falling asleep to the crashing waves and waking up again to the bright sun shining in my face so I can spend another day free diving like a mermaid.

Sheena Lahkani Beautiful indian fashion model, actress and dancer
Sheena Lahani model, actress and dancer
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