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Pune based Indian fashion photographer Chaitanya Shete

Interview with Fashion Photographer Chaitanya Shete
By IM Staff
Pune based Indian fashion photographer Chaitanya Shete
Self Portrait of Chaitanya Shete
Chaitanya Shete is a Pune based fashion and commercial photographer. In 2013 Chaitanya completed his studies in Industrial design and since has been working as a professional fashion photographer. We recently spoke to Chaitanya about his approach to photography.

IM: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into photography?
Chaitanya: I graduated as an Industrial designer, specializing in transportation design from MIT Institute of design, Pune. It has been a very interesting journey from designing cars and bikes to Photography, few years back when I picked up the camera for a course while studying design that is when I fell in love with the art of photography and it became a part of my life.

IM: Has this knowledge of Industrial design made you a better photographer and how so?
Chaitanya: Yes I studied design and I think that I can apply a lot of design principles
in my photography. I work with designers from various design firms for my photography projects, being from design background I can very well understand the designers vision behind the project and I can implement my skills into the project. Knowledge of design has been a great source to develop my photography even more.

IM: How would you describe your individual style of photography?
: I don't really believe that there are any boundaries in photography, I wouldn't want to settle on a particular style at this moment, I would love to explore more and more techniques.
Fashion photoshoot by Pune based photographer Chaitanya Shete
IM: Are there any photographers that you look up to?
Chaitanya: There are lot of legendary photographers I look up to like Gautam Rajadhyaksha and Prabuddha Dasgupta, I admire their work a lot.

IM: Do you have favorite project that you have worked on?
Chaitanya: I shot for Kawasaki India in 2014. I was shooting 2 amazing bikes. As I mentioned I studied transportation design, I was really excited to work with Kawasaki. Shooting cars and bikes always excites me.

IM: Do you prefer digital or analog?
Chaitanya: I have grown up in this digital era. I love the way technology is developing rapidly, it opens up amazing new techniques to explore the art of photography. I never really got to explore much of analog photography. I have been using digital format and enjoying it.

IM: While working as a fashion photographer do you feel that it is
important to have a good taste fashion yourself and be aware of all the
latest trends?

Chaitanya: I think it is great to have a good taste in fashion, it is definitely an add-on for fashion photographers. If you have a good taste in fashion and when you are aware of the fashion trends your work will never look outdated. In the current era of digitization and social networking you have to be updated about everything around you to constantly evolve yourself and your skills.

IM: What do you think are the most important traits a fashion model should

Chaitanya: Confidence. First of all a model should be confident .Knowing your angles, knowing how to pose and knowing how to hold a pose convincingly without looking strained are important and can all be learned. I believe a good posture is a modeling must.
Indian fashion photographer Chaitanya Shete
Pune based indian fashion photographer Chaitanya Shete
indian photographer Chaitanya Shete
fashion shoot by Indian photographer Chaitanya Shete
Pune based fashion photographer Chaitanya Shete
Outdoor shoot by Indian photographer Chaitanya Shete
Indian photographer Chaitanya Shete
Chaitanya Shete is on Instagram
Chaitanya Shete is on Behance

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